Derek Stoeckmann

Full-stack web developer, educator, and musician who loves React, JavaScript and algorithms. | (480) 228-1008

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Some of my projects

Event application screenshot


An event management application built with React, NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB that allows users to search for events and meetups near them, RSVP for upcoming events, host events, and manage events they are hosting.
Social media app screenshot


A social media app that is a mashup of Reddit, Twitter, and 4Chan. It allows users to post, comment on other posts, upvote/downvote posts, and sort posts based on certain criteria (most recent, best, etc.)
Space app screenshot

The Space Place

A resource for space enthusiasts to access images and information about their favorite astronomical objects! This resource uses the NASA image library and Wikipedia APIs.
Weather app screenshot

Weather Dashboard

A weather app that allows users to find weather information and a five day forecast for any city world-wide (or their current location)
Day planner app screenshot

Day Planner

A day planner app that allows users to save text notes for themselves
Quiz app screenshot

Code Quiz

A quiz app that allows users to choose between multiple timed quizzes and saves their top 10 high scores to local storage